Black-billed Magpie feeding its young in the back yard

Black-billed Magpie feeding its young in the back yard - June 18th

Deer in a small wooded area about a block away from home

Deer in a small wooded area about a block away from home - July 3rd

The Doe heard the camera shutter and looked over

The Doe heard the camera shutter and looked over - July 3rd

Doe moving further into wooded area

Doe moving further into wooded area - July 3rd

Doe laying in a nicely shaded grassy spot

Doe laying in a nicely shaded grassy spot - July 3rd

Doe resting in grass

Doe resting - I can't believe this picture turned out okay as it was shot through a chain-link fence, on an angle - July 3rd

Black-billed Magpie at the birdbath in the back yard

Black-billed Magpie at the birdbath in the back yard - July 3rd

Nice clear sharp eyes in this close up shot of a Hare's face, in the back yard

Nice clear sharp eyes in this close up shot of a Hare's face, in the back yard - July 3rd

Nice clear sharp eye in this profile shot of a Hare, in the back yard

Again, nice clear sharp eye in this profile shot of a Hare, in the back yard - July 3rd

Black-billed Magpies, four of them, gather at the birdbath in the back yard

Black-billed Magpies, four of them, gather at the birdbath in the back yard - July 5th

Hare contemplating having a snack in the back garden

Hare contemplating having a snack in the back garden - July 5th

Hare stretches out to take a bite of the vegetation

Hare stretches out to take a bite of the vegetation - July 5th

Hare enjoys a snack in the back garden

Hare enjoys a snack in the back garden - July 5th

Hare moves on to try a different kind of vegetation

Hare moves on to try a different kind of vegetation - July 5th

Black-billed Magpies - Somebody found an un-shelled peanut!

Black-billed Magpies - Somebody found an un-shelled peanut! - July 5th

Hare enjoys a nice quiet nap in the back garden

Hare enjoys a nice quiet nap in the back garden - July 5th

Young House Sparrow in a back yard tree

Young House Sparrow in a back yard tree - July 6th

House Sparrow catches a very brief nap in the front yard tree

House Sparrow catches a very brief nap in the front yard tree - July 9th

House Sparrow looking exhausted from the endless needs of the young

House Sparrow looking exhausted from the endless needs of the young - July 9th

Young House Sparrows on the back yard fence

Young House Sparrows on the back yard fence - July 9th

American Robin looking all business like in the back yard

American Robin looking all business like in the back yard - July 9th

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