Not a particularly good photo (directly below), but gives a sense of scale..shows the size comparison between an adult Red-necked Grebe and a Canada Goose (background)..just for those that aren't really all that familiar with the Red-necked Grebe.
This female Red-necked Grebe, atop the nest, is letting the male know she's ready for egg fertilization.
Just a short three image sequence (below) of the male Red-necked Grebe wringing himself out.
So simple, but I just love this photo (below) of a Red-necked Grebe at rest.
I really like this shot (below) because it was taken from an extremely low angle of view. Everything but the subject just seems to pleasingly melt away. I was able to get this shot with the camera body resting on the toe of my boot, and used the back screen, tilted up, to compose the shot. I was in a seated position on the bank, and the heel of my boot was grounded right at the water's edge.